I will recognize this for its ray of light that i have been looking for. There has been a dark cloud hovering over me for quite some time. So much so that i have named it. I call him Felix. Felix has shown me that he really enjoys my company, and has worked hard to stay by my side. Just when i have thought that he might be leaving, he doubles up and hits me with a bolt of lightning. Oh Felix, your so unpredictable. Felix has made sure that the light stays away as much as possible. I have to give him props for his dedication. He has really hung in there... until today. Today, Felix could not stop some light shining through no matter how hard he tried. That little ray of light came in the package of a JOB.
And so, it has happened. My temping has come to an end and given me a doorway unto benefits, PTO's, and job security (unless i go nuts one day, and they "release "me). I am happy for my family mostly. In the "non-recession" that we are experiencing, i am considering myself lucky. So now i should have benefits, and with kids, that is cause for celebration.
I'm sure this has a tone of reluctance, because it does. It is bittersweet. The job is not in the field I have been wanting to go back to, but the field i have been trying to escape. Right now, there isn't much choice with so much economic uncertainty, so i must move forward, and hold my head high. I will just have to continue to work on my portfolio and hunt for the graphics position with hope that i will return to it full time. Eventually someone will want to higher the old guy with lots of client experience but who has been out of the field full time for about eight years. It has to happen. For sanity.
There is another upside to this job, and that is that i get to wear jeans most of the time. (Comfort is everything)
Well Felix, your powers seem to be weakening. I can only hope this is a trend, as your dark green and black exterior no longer frightens me. If anything i shall look back at you with fondness. I could be getting ahead of myself, so I will leave it at that.
Cross posted from G+ - - Mother's day
7 years ago
Congratulations! I know what a relief it is to have benefits. This at least puts you in a better spot to keep looking for that dream job.
Thank you!! If anything, it should also give me more motivation.
Congratulations to you and your family on the new job! I'm glad to read that Felix took a good pounding.
Hang in there. Determination and creativity are the tools that will get you where you want to go. You already have those things down, so you must be on your way!
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