Here it is. Fathers Day. One day a year. Just like Mothers Day, we give one day to honor the other reason for our existence. One day seems unjust, insulting, and downright mean. 1909 0r 1910 is the year that Fathers Day was put into place in America. (According to the webnet). So we have been honoring our fathers for roughly 100 years, once a year. So in actuality, we have celebrated our fathers for about 98 days. That translates to roughly three months. So. For the existence of man (roughly 200,000 years ago) we have honored and praised our Fathers for a TOTAL of what would amount to one summer break from high school... seems a little short.
Without further ado, I will jump into this blog, which is about my Father, and honoring him.
Something I remember distinctly from my childhood was my father's keys. Yes, his keys. There was something always about my father's keys that struck me odd. They were very orderly. Very neat. They seemed to go from big keys to little keys, and though i am sure this is just a touch of childhood recounting (which is a little more creative), i believe they were somewhat color coded. All silver to all gold. On top of that, my father had a piece of leather attached to his key chain. It was the color of dark chocolate, and the shape of it was that of the head of a large soup spoon. One side of it was smooth, and the other rough, as if this piece of leather was cut from a fine leather chair that had aged for centuries. As I recall, again...childhood recounting, his initials were branded into this piece of leather...EB. The interesting part about all of this is not the ornament on my father's keys, but the role this piece of leather played in its relationship with these wondrous keys. It was their "bed". Anytime my father laid these keys around the house they were always cradled by this piece of leather. I always thought it was interesting that they were never splayed out or thrown randomly somewhere, but that they seemed to always have a purpose in their position. It was at this point that i saw a connection in peoples keys, and their personality.
I have always learned a lot about people based on their keys. Some people have key chains with every key they have ever owned, displaying a real nostalgia to their life and a need to hang on. Some people don't have key chains at all (baffling) and i feel it displays the inability to commit, or to be able to bring parts of their lives together. Then there are people that have a key chain that maybe have the essentials- car, house, maybe work- and a piece of ornament like a star or some type of flair, which i feel displays a need for bare necessities, yet able to have fun or adventure and make that important. Good for these people. They are my kind of people, maybe even soul mates.
My father has always been an organized, well thought out, and caring man, much like his keys. He has taken care of his family giving them their "bed", he has kept things organized in order to always be prepared, and he is always thinking... always. The keys show a certain sternness my father has that shows belief in having a system. Systems are great, because they keep us on track. The keys could always be found in the same spot, and i believe that shows the reliability my father has always displayed. He has been there no matter what, and is always ready to listen. And much like keys open doors to possibilities, my father has always been ready to give advice to open other doors unseen in life. My father has done many great things in life, but one of the greatest was to give me my own outlook on life and how to treat my keys. Thank you Dad.
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