Happy Mothers Day

I am more then sure almost all mothers deserve a tip of the hat for the mere fact that they are mothers, and they have endured motherhood, but there are two women that deserve it most. Yes, obviously my wife and my mother.
My wife- because she endures the crazy life that is ours to endure. We have three wonderful children that challenge us everyday, which she rises to the occasion without hesitance. I know that no matter what happens in our daily life, no matter how difficult it gets for us, she will do what it takes to take care of her kids. I know that she has done what it takes to survive in her past and will do so in the future and it will all be for her kids. The babies light up with excitement when mommy shows up because she deserves that excitement. She showers her love on them immediately because nothing else is as important then that moment. When the teen needs something, she works hard to get it for him, even if he
doesn't realize it. She is the first to stand up for him for what he needs in all aspects of his life, and it is more then admirable. I have always been impressed, from the first time we started dating, with her drive, determination, and selflessness when it comes to her children. It is truly a day like today that was made for her. In all honesty there should be a day dedicated to her alone. Maybe I will start lobbying for that.

My mother- She is has the heart of a true angel. My mother has defined the word "giving". I have never met another person, (and this is not being said because it is Mothers Day), that has been so loving, caring, concerned, sympathetic, honest, and GIVING. My mother has everyones needs at heart well before her own. She is constantly working at maintaining relationships and praying for the safety and well being for others, and many of them she
doesn't know personally. Truly, many of my friends and colleagues can thank my mothers unbiased prayers for helping you get through many of your trials and tribulations. So with that i ask you to praise your mother today, and to also include my mother in that as well, because more then likely she has touched your life without you even knowing. Thank you mom for all the love you have brought upon me. I believe it has made me a better man, and has helped me to love my wife and mother of my children with a better understanding of motherhood.
Happy Mothers Day.
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