Wow- A week.
Kind of a tough one.
The week started with a great game of softball, even if we did lose. We showed some great heart, and nearly had the game, but the bottom of the 6th inning was brutal. We lost. Not to mention i pulled a muscle in my leg that would make part of my week grumpy. My lovely wife was running to home plate when the short stop from the other team beamed her in the back with the ball. She too has had a bruised week because of it. Both of us injured, but had a lot of fun doing it. Cant wait until we can get to another game.
The job front got ugly fast. I am fairly certain that I only have about a week left at my current temp job. Not a good time to be unstable, of course, when is it ever. I have started slinging my resume at anything that looks remotely in the vein of what i can do, unfortunately no calls yet. Just a couple of rejection emails. Did I mention how much I am not enjoying being in the mortgage industry. I have tried to get my graphic design resume out as well, and definitely no luck there. I believe that employers don't want to take a chance on someone that has not been in a formal office for almost ten years, even though i have continued to do freelance work in that period of time. I'm sure they would rather pick up a fresh face out of college who is up to speed on all software and is really cheap. Never mind the fact that they don't know how to talk to the client or use years of experience to get to the essence of a project and use their time wisely. Can you hear the bitterness??
I would love it if i could go back to school, just to get a little time with newer programs and build the portfolio back up in a more timely fashion. Ahh to dream.
Home front suffers as well this week, just due to the stress. The teens grades are slipping so that means the cell had to go on hiatus. I know hes not happy, but he knows what it takes to get it back. Had a one on one, that seemed to go relatively well. I guess i will know better in a week or so after he gets a chance to prove whether or not "responsibility" is his cup of tea. I can remember having those kinds of chats with my dad when i was young and how after a while they seemed to be a lecture ( therefore it became lost on my young , underdeveloped,... all i want to do is have fun brain.) I want to split that difference with the teen, because i believe he deserves to have the youth experience of fun, but definitely needs a reasonable introduction to self worth and responsibility. Its a strange balance that you hope they can grasp on their own at times. I'm pretty sure hormones and a lack of life experience pushes responsibility out the window, therefore causing him to run circles... am i lecturing?
Good news is the little ones aren't dealing with a cold or pink eye!! The baby is just dealing with a diaper rash dealt from the devil himself. Poor kid. As soon as the diaper comes off, he attempts to do his best at scratching. If you have had a 14 month old, you know how funny it looks when they try to scratch, but don't quite have the motor skills to manage. It looks a lot like people trying to rub their stomach and pat their heads for the first time. I feel bad for him, yet still have to giggle. Hopefully we can get this mysterious rash to move on. We are going on several months with it. Suggestions welcome, but be warned, we have been through many a remedy to try and figure it out. The toddler is just dealing with her jealousy of the baby. Its up and down.
The wife is working hard at keeping the babies from killing each other. With the nation in its "non-recession", her day job has been slow. Again, something we don't need. I know it has been weighing on her as well. People don't seem to want to get the massages in a time when they probably need them most.
Improv this week. Auditions for Six Ring went well. Not a lot of bartering for players this round which was awesome. Some times it tends to get to us. Look out for the next quarter, as everyone goes back in the hat. AWESOME. We have a few more players on CSGG, and I think they will be a great addition. It is going to be a cool quarter. Come check it out Tuesdays, Brave New Workshop, $1.
Tonight and tomorrow I will be at Stevie Ray's Cabaret. Come check it out. $15, 8pm.
That is the week. I know, kind of on the down side...
at least winter is done. I hope.
Cross posted from G+ - - Mother's day
7 years ago
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