When your not looking, the lack of intelligence of the common people will sneak up on you, and rattle your world.
Driving to work this morning i was able to have the privilege of dealing with bad, rage filled drivers. Minnesota, why is it a challenge?? Why does merging cause brain hemorrhaging? Why does the right of way for Public Transportation raise the NASCAR enthusiast out of you? Why does a KIA with its blinker on for three blocks, not deserve to change lanes?(Yes, I know its a BMW, but it is still a BMW whether I am in front of you, or behind you)
The Fed cut the rate. I am aware of this. I know what this means. The problem is, 90% of the people who are making inbound calls to my place of work(mortgage industry) do not. Which would explain why the housing industry is where it is. Just because the fed cuts the rate by a quarter of a point, does not mean that you get a quarter point off your interest rate. Seriously people, get educated about the largest purchase you will ever make. Get familiar with the LIBOR. Ugh.
I wanted breakfast after a morning of my patience being tested.(I believe I passed). I just wanted an egg and toast. "How you want egg?" to which i replied "Over hard." "You want hard inside?" to which i replied "Yes, over hard." "You want broken, or flipped over?" to which i replied "AGAIN, O-V-E-R H-A-R-D and up your non-listening, take myself way to serious as a minimum wage chef, ASS." I don't think he heard the latter.
Side note- The family is sick. Poor wife and kids have running noses, but their spirits are good. Nothing like babies who run up to you and hug you and then when they walk away it looks like a team of snails attacked your clothing. Sweet baby snot. I love having children, they make fashion unique. Hopefully they are all on the upswing.
Side side note-- Punch Out tonight at the Brave New Workshop. 11pm. $10 Larynx(Myself, Dave, and Josh) VS The Unstoppables.
Cross posted from G+ - - Mother's day
7 years ago
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