nos·tal·gi·a (nŏ-stāl'jə, nə-) Pronunciation Key
1. A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.
Fall brings it on. Not sure why, but it does.
There are just particular times that i truly wish that Mr. Peabody and his boy Sherman really had invented the WABAC Machine.

The first time i caught air at the Fort Kam half pipe in Hawaii.
The time i caught a winning touchdown pass for my block "Lufberry Players" against our neighboring block on Seymour Johnson AFB in Goldsboro NC.
The first, second, and third time i wend to Disneyworld with family.
My first award for a relief print i created at the Ala Moana Mall.
My first kiss that took way to long to happen because i was not good at reading girls and when I finally did it she gave me a look that told me I should have done that about twenty minutes early. All while sitting in her cool car outside of my house in Grand Forks AFB, ND.
A kiss that took place in Bloomington MN next to an old blueChevy Cavalier with the same girl as the first kiss, but this one was much better, passionate, and waaaay less awkward.
The first time i got a huge laugh while doing stand up at Hot Rox's in Minneapolis.
Watching both my children being born at a local Fairview hospital.
My first roller coaster ride on the Wild Thing with my best friend.
Attending my first Guns N Roses concert. Then my second... and my third and fourth.
There are so many other things, some of them not appropriate for all readers (feel free to ask).
Well, less time being spent in the past, and time to make some future. None the less, if you run across the WABAC Machine, let me know.